Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Kill Me In Yokosuka

Burns Bannion #8: “Kill Me In Yokosuka” by Earl Norman (Norman Thompson). This one is really far out. Hedges invites Bannion and Ezawa to a Geisha wingding, and it’s for the purpose of getting them involved in the current case. Something is going on that concerns the military installations around Tokyo. Bannion meets sexy Oyuki, a geisha dancer, and she stays with him throughout the case. The Chinese villain, Original Fu, who supposedly died in a previous story, is back, but he’s working for a mysterious person in the shadows. They plan on disrupting the Naval Base in Yokosuka, which will cause havoc within the 7th Fleet. Not much in the karate fights this time, but Bannion bungles his way to the finish. There is plenty of action, however. Ezawa goes undercover, using a disguise. A pit of scorpions, a gorilla – Bannion does use karate on the beast. He also swings through the trees, and does a Johnny Weissmuller Tarzan yell. Far out (lol).  Lots of fun.